These two weeks were hard for me, because I had to spend additional time to prepare and defend my Master's thesis. Now it is successfully done and I fully concentrate on GSoC coding.
Nevertheless I have already done some important things:
* Made some main methods of a new GNM API: create and remove connectivity.
* Integrated it directly into GDAL 2.0dev (my fork, built the library and tested with my old testing application, improving it a bit in order to use new GDAL 2.0.
So, according to my concept the following algorithm is actual for these methods just now:
Income: we have a set of spatial data. It can be void (without layers) or full of layers.
1. Initialize GDALDataset.
2. Create the GNMConnectivity over this dataset. The according system layers and fields will be created.
3. ... <here will be modifying, analysis and so on>
4. Remove the connectivity if it is necessary to restore an old "pure of network" dataset, so:
Outcome: we have the initial set of spatial data without any changes.
I continue to move old methods to the new API and to implement my concept.
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